10 Apr 2019

Christchurch, immigration & the fear mongering that incites hate

On March 15, 2019, a 28-year-old white Australian man carried out a massacre targeting two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Brenton Tarrant entered the mosques during Friday prayers, shooting Muslims as they prayed, killing 50 and injuring dozens of others. The eldest victim, Haji Daoud Nabi, was 71 years old, and the youngest, Mucad Ibrahim, was just 3 years old. The shooter live-streamed the entire attack on Facebook and published a 74-page manifesto detailing his reasoning for the attack and its focus on Muslims as his target. read the complete article

05 Apr 2019


In India today, Hindu nationalism isn’t a fringe idea; it is the new political reality. The BJP’s ultimate aim is to reshape national identity to create a India of and for Hindus, even if it means rewriting history. read the complete article