18 Sep 2020 | Organizations

Factsheet: Gates of Vienna

IMPACT: Gates of Vienna is an international far-right, anti-Muslim blogging website established in 2004 by the United States-based blogger Edward S. May and his wife. The website features the work of hard-line anti-Muslim writers and... read the complete article

17 Sep 2020 | Organizations


IMPACT: The self-described “Counter-Jihad Movement” (CJM) is a network of European and North American anti-Muslim movements, institutions, political parties, authors, bloggers, and activists who claim that ‘Western civilization’ is “under attack” by Islam. While CJM... read the complete article

16 Sep 2020 | Politics

Factsheet: The Finns Party

IMPACT: The Finns Party (Perussuomalaiset, or PS), formerly known as the True Finns, is a Finnish far-right, anti-Muslim political party. Founded in 1995 following the dissolution of the Finnish Rural Party, it has since become... read the complete article