19 Nov 2019 | Politics

Factsheet: Cronulla Riots

IMPACT: The Cronulla riots in December 2005 marked one of the most significant race riots in Australian history. Anglo-Australian youth targeted individuals of Middle Eastern background while displaying and voicing racist, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim rhetoric. ... read the complete article

02 Jul 2019 | Terms/Tropes

Factsheet: Fourteen Words

The “Fourteen Words” is a slogan that has served as a rallying cry for white supremacists and neo-Nazis around the world. Invoked in numerous mass shootings and targeted attacks on minority groups including African Americans, Sikhs, Jews, and Muslims, the “Fourteen Words” communicate the belief that the growth of minority communities poses an imminent threat to the existence of the white race.  read the complete article

20 May 2019 | Individuals

Criminalizing Ramadan: Illiberal tendencies in Western democracies

Ramadan has long turned into a political object in Western politics. When Madeleine Albright first started to organize iftar (fast-breaking) dinners at the White House during the Clinton era, many Western governments in Europe started to follow her newly introduced tradition. Congratulating Muslims on the advent of Ramadan has become a political ritual for leaders of Western governments to show respect not only to the followers of the second largest religion in the world, but also to a growing and contested religious minority in their own lands. read the complete article

05 Dec 2018 | Terms/Tropes

Factsheet: Sharia

Often portrayed as a monolithic and medieval system of Islamic law, sharia has been used by anti-Muslim groups and politicians to argue against First Amendment protections for Americans who are Muslim. Critics express concerns that anti-sharia campaigns contribute to Islamophobia and infringe on American Muslims’ right to religious freedom. read the complete article