30 Apr 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Martin Sellner

IMPACT: Austrian Martin Sellner is a proponent of the far-right Great Replacement conspiracy theory and leader of the Austrian chapter of Generation Identity, a far-right white nationalist anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim movement originating in Europe. Martin... read the complete article

22 Mar 2019 | Individuals

FACTSHEET: Kevin Johnston

Kevin Johnston is an anti-Muslim blogger and activist in Canada who ran for mayor of Mississauga with a   pending hate crime charge against a Muslim community in Ontario, Canada. Johnston has owned, operated, and maintained websites, online media publications, and multiple social media accounts, which he has utilized to promote and reinforce his anti-Muslim activities and networks. read the complete article

05 Dec 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Sebastian Gorka

Sebastian Gorka is a contributor at Sinclair TV, who previously worked for FOX News and served as the Deputy Assistant to President Donald Trump. Gorka supports religious profiling, has targeted Muslim civil rights and advocacy groups, and has publicly worn a medal affiliated with a Nazi-linked Hungarian group. read the complete article

05 Dec 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani admitted to working with Donald Trump to make his proposed ban on Muslims legal. As mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani employed undercover agents to spy on mosques and continues to support practices of profiling and surveillance of Muslims. read the complete article

05 Dec 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Robert Spencer

Though less well-known than his colleague, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer heads anti-Muslim organizations and is one of the leading writers who claims Islam promotes violence. Trump administration strategist Steve Bannon considers him an expert on Islam. read the complete article

04 Dec 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Nonie Darwish

A writer who has frequent speaking engagements across the US, Nonie Darwish has numerous affiliations with anti-Muslim organizations, has made false claims about Islam, and has called for Islam to be “annihilated.” read the complete article

04 Dec 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Maajid Nawaz

Maajid Nawaz is a British activist, author, and critic of “Islamism.” He co-founded the controversial Quilliam Foundation. Nawaz has been closely affiliated with individuals and organizations that promote anti-Muslim views. read the complete article

04 Dec 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Kris Kobach

Kris Kobach is the architect of NSEERS, a Bush administration program that registered male immigrants from mainly Muslim-majority countries. Given his advisory role to President Trump, many civil rights groups worry about his desire to have this program, which they consider discriminatory, reinstated. read the complete article