17 Apr 2020 | Individuals

Factsheet: Sebastian Kurz

IMPACT: Sebastian Kurz is the current Federal Chancellor of Austria and Chairman of the centrist-right New Austrian People’s Party (Neue ÖVP). He previously served as State Secretary of the Interior Ministry for Social Integration and... read the complete article

15 Aug 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Heinz-Christian Strache

Heinz-Christian Strache is the former Vice-Chancellor of Austria and leader of the right-wing Freedom Party of Austria (FPO). During his youth, he was affiliated with Neo-Nazis and under his leadership, the FPO has promoted Islamophobia. Strache is also widely connected to right-wing parties across Europe. read the complete article

03 Jun 2019 | Individuals

FACTSHEET: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is a central figure in the transatlantic network of anti-Muslim and anti-Islam organizations and activists. She has co-organized the pan-European ‘Counter Jihad Movement,’ aligned with anti-Muslim activists and organizations in the U.S., and has been prosecuted for anti-Muslim speech. read the complete article

20 May 2019 | Politics

The Identitarian Austrian Freedom Party

The Identitarian movement has attracted a lot of attention since the white-supremacist terrorist at the Christchurch mosques made headlines, naming his manifesto – "The Great Replacement" – after a famous slogan of this movement. As the world would later get to know, the relationship was even financial. read the complete article

30 Apr 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Martin Sellner

IMPACT: Austrian Martin Sellner is a proponent of the far-right Great Replacement conspiracy theory and leader of the Austrian chapter of Generation Identity, a far-right white nationalist anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim movement originating in Europe. Martin... read the complete article