08 Jun 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Fred Fleitz

Fred Fleitz has been selected as executive security of the National Security Council and chief of staff for National Security Advisor, John Bolton. Fleitz previously served as an intelligence officer in the CIA and Department of State, and worked with the anti-Muslim think-tank, Center for Security Policy. Fleitz has been a strong opponent of a U.S. nuclear deal with Iran and has furthered anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and stereotypes. read the complete article

02 May 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Sam Brownback

The current U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback is the former Governor of Kansas who signed anti-sharia legislation into state law and withdrew Kansas from the federal refugee resettlement program for purported reasons of national security. As a Governor, Brownback also advocated religious freedom at the expense of anti-discrimination laws that protected LGBT Kansans. read the complete article

19 Apr 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Ken Isaacs

Ken Isaacs is the current U.S. nominee for director-general of the International Organization for Migration at the United Nations. Prior to his nomination, Isaacs was a Vice President at Samaritan’s Purse, an Evangelical Christian charity organization with a history of proselytizing while distributing government-funded humanitarian relief. Isaacs has tweeted inflammatory, anti-Muslim content, and has retweeted anti-Muslim content by Robert Spencer and Frank Gaffney. read the complete article

03 Apr 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Ryan Mauro

Ryan Mauro is an analyst at the anti-Muslim organization, the Clarion Project. Mauro regularly makes anti-Muslim accusations and unfounded claims on Fox News programs and during trainings for law enforcement officials. He is a proponent of policies that criminalize Muslims and Muslim communities. read the complete article

27 Mar 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: John Bolton

John Bolton was one of the individuals in the George W. Bush Administration who misled the United States about weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, and who continues to advocate using force against Iran and North Korea. He has connections with leading anti-Muslim voices and organizations, including Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Frank Gaffney and David Horowitz. On March 22, 2018, President Donald Trump nominated Bolton as the next National Security Advisor. read the complete article

20 Mar 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro is a conservative political commentator with a large national platform as a popular podcast show host and Young America’s Foundation-sponsored speaker at college campuses. Shapiro has a history of making derogatory, generalizing and inflammatory comments about Muslims, Arabs, African-Americans, transgender people and others. He previously worked at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, an organization that espouses Islamophobic views. read the complete article

05 Feb 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Tom Cotton

During his tenure in the U.S. Congress, Cotton advocated the strengthening of surveillance and metadata collection programs, and the curtailing of immigration to the United States — ostensibly as a workaround of then-candidate Trump’s Muslim ban proposal. Cotton has also voiced controversial views about torture, the Guantánamo Bay prison facility, the Iranian nuclear deal negotiations, and “Islamic” violence. read the complete article

08 Dec 2017 | Individuals

Factsheet: John Guandolo

John Guandolo conducts anti-Muslim law enforcement trainings throughout the United States, propagates anti-Muslim conspiracy theories about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the U.S. government, and has worked closely with anti-Muslim organizations like the Center for Security Policy and ACT for America. read the complete article

08 Dec 2017 | Individuals

Factsheet: Bill Maher

Late night television host Bill Maher has a history of inviting guests who hold anti-Muslim views and support anti-Muslim policies. Maher is known for making discriminatory statements about Muslims and has a history of using racial and derogatory slurs against marginalized communities. read the complete article

08 Dec 2017 | Individuals

Factsheet: David Yerushalmi

David Yerushalmi has played an active role in generating anti-Muslim rhetoric. Through his organizations SANE and AFLC, Yerushalmi has launched various anti-sharia campaigns and awareness drives that have shaped anti-sharia policies across the country. He has also been an advocate for the criminalization of adherence to sharia and Islam. read the complete article