10 Nov 2020 | Individuals

Factsheet: Mark Krikorian

IMPACT: Mark Krikorian is the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), an anti-immigration research organization that advocates lower immigration levels. He is a regular contributor to the National Review online, and has... read the complete article

14 Oct 2020 | Individuals

Factsheet: Kayleigh McEnany

IMPACT: Kayleigh McEnany is a political commentator, devout Christian, and vocal defender of U.S. President Donald Trump. She currently serves as the White House press secretary, and has previously worked for both CNN and Fox... read the complete article

18 Sep 2020 | Organizations

Factsheet: Gates of Vienna

IMPACT: Gates of Vienna is an international far-right, anti-Muslim blogging website established in 2004 by the United States-based blogger Edward S. May and his wife. The website features the work of hard-line anti-Muslim writers and... read the complete article

17 Sep 2020 | Organizations


IMPACT: The self-described “Counter-Jihad Movement” (CJM) is a network of European and North American anti-Muslim movements, institutions, political parties, authors, bloggers, and activists who claim that ‘Western civilization’ is “under attack” by Islam. While CJM... read the complete article

16 Jul 2020 | Individuals

Factsheet: Louie Gohmert

IMPACT: Louie Gohmert is a Republican representative from Texas with a long history of anti-Muslim rhetoric, including claims that “terror babies” were being raised to destroy the American “way of life.” Gohmert has connections with... read the complete article