05 Oct 2021 | Individuals

Factsheet: Emmanuel Macron

IMPACT: Emmanuel Macron is a former banker turned politician who currently serves as the president of France. Under Macron’s leadership, the French government has implemented a number of anti-Muslim policies, including the “anti-Separatism” law. Macron... read the complete article

27 Sep 2021 | Terms/Tropes

Factsheet: Reconquista Trope

IMPACT: The historical myth of the Reconquista has been one of the most recurrent tropes used by far-right parties in Spain. The controversial concept—contested by many scholars— has been reappropriated, misinterpreted, and misused to build... read the complete article

24 Sep 2021 | Organizations

Factsheet: Hogar Social

IMPACT: Hogar Social is a right-wing Spanish social and political movement created in Madrid in 2014, now with chapters in other cities including Toledo, Granada, and Zaragoza. The movement’s leader, Melisa Domínguez Ruiz, previously worked... read the complete article

10 Sep 2021 | Organizations

Factsheet: Vox Party

IMPACT: The VOX Party is a far-right, nationalist political party in Spain that advocates discriminatory policies against Spanish Muslims and Muslim immigrants. VOX has achieved significant political success in regional and national elections since its... read the complete article

09 Aug 2021 | Individuals

“Not Who We Are” and “Opening the Floodgates”

During the Trump Administration, the Bridge Initiative analyzed the direct impacts of the Muslim and African Bans on individuals and communities in America, recognizing that more mainstream discussions around the ban centered impacts on the economy, tourism, and national security. Discussions and analysis of the direct impacts of the ban on individuals were few and far between, save discussions initiated by directly impacted Muslims as well as advocates. Building on the Bridge Initiative’s earlier resource, this analysis seeks to unpack the ways in which the Muslim and African Ban was discussed by candidates during the 2020 presidential elections. read the complete article

13 Jul 2021 | Law Enforcement

Factsheet: Islam, Immigration, and the American Courts

The Naturalization Era (1790–1952) was a defining period for immigration and conceptualizations of citizenship in the United States. During this era, Muslim immigration and naturalization were limited by laws that barred or severely restricted immigration from Muslim-majority areas of the world and court rulings that reserved naturalization rights for white individuals. read the complete article

30 Jun 2021 | Educational

Islamophobia: What Christians Should Know (and Do) about Anti-Muslim Discrimination

In her new book, writer and Catholic scholar of Muslim-Christian relations, Jordan Denari Duffner, examines how Christians have contributed to anti-Muslim prejudice and discrimination, and how the community, using tools rooted in faith, can work to dismantle it. Viewing Islamophobia as both a social justice and a religious freedom issue, Duffner makes the case that Christian faith calls us to combat religious discrimination even when it is not directed toward our own faith community. read the complete article