11 Aug 2023 | Policy/Law

Burning the Quran is not free speech

Over the past several weeks a number of individuals in Sweden and Denmark have desecrated and burned copies of the Quran, the holy book of nearly 2 billion Muslims worldwide. While these acts have rapidly increased in the past few weeks, they’re sadly not new as such displays of hatred have taken place throughout Europe for decades. read the complete article

04 May 2023 | Individuals

Factsheet: Sameh Egyptson

Sameh Egyptson is a Swedish academic and highly visible public commentator. He is hired as an expert by public agencies and right-wing political parties. Egyptson is engaged in spreading conspiracy theories about an alleged Islamization of Sweden by the Muslim Brotherhood. Sameh Egyptson (formerly known as Sameh Nabeh Basely Khalil) is a Swedish academic and highly profiled public debater. read the complete article

24 Apr 2023 | Individuals

Factsheet: Magnus Ranstorp

Magnus Ranstorp is an associate professor of political science. He has various links to anti-Muslim and countering extremism think tanks such as CATS of the Swedish Defense University, the Center for Total Defense and Societal Security (FHS), and the Emirati-based Hedayah Center. He regularly publishes opinion pieces and is invited to media outlets as an expert on various subjects. Ranstorp has promoted conspiracy theories accusing European Muslim organizations of being tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, and is a leading voice against Muslim civil society in Sweden. read the complete article