The Trump Administration and Anti-Muslim Groups

Published on 29 Jun 2017

[Image Description]

Heading of Infographic

Title Text: The Trump Administration + Anti-Muslim Groups

Subtitle Text: Numerous Trump White House officials have worked with anti-Muslim organizations and promoted their message. This infographic outlines some of those associations. Click on each group or administration official’s name for details.

Infographic Key:

Text: KEY: The bubbles represent three major anti-Muslim organizations. Administration officials’ square pictures are situated inside the bubble(s) of the group(s) they’ve worked with. Those who have associations with multiple groups are situated in overlapping bubbles.

Infographic Image Description

A Venn diagram shows the overlap between Trump Administration officials that are associated with three anti-Muslim groups: the David Horowitz Freedom Center, ACT for America, and the Center for Security Policy. Act for America is positioned at the top left, David Horowitz Freedom Center is positioned at the top right, and Center for Security Policy is positioned at the lower left corner. Each organization features a text box describing the organization. Photos of Trump Administration officials are situated within the Ven diagram.

Circle 1: David Horowitz Freedom Center

Text Box: David Horowitz Freedom Center is an anti-Muslim organization that houses numerous web platforms like Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch and Frontpage Magazine.

Officials situated within David Horowitz Freedom Center circle:

Stephen Miller

Mike Flynn

Steve Bannon

Jeff Sessions


Circle 2: ACT for America

Text Box: ACT for America is the largest anti-Muslim grassroots organization in the United States. It helped drum up fears of sharia law.

Image on left of circle: Headshot of Brigitte Gabriel, ACT founder.

Text bubble above Brigitte Gabriel’s photo: “ACT for America has a direct line to Donald Trump, and has played a fundamental role in shaping his views.”

Officials situated within ACT for America circle:

Mike Flynn

Steve Bannon

Mike Pompeo


Circle 3: Center for Security Policy

Text Box: Center for Security Policy is an anti-Muslim think tank run by Frank Gaffney, who reportedly served as an advisor to the Trump team. In 2015, then-candidate Trump cited a debunked CSP poll as justification for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims.”

Officials situated within Center for Security Policy circle:

Mike Flynn

Steve Bannon

Mike Pompeo

Jeff Sessions

Kellyanne Conway

Sebastian Gorka


Panel at bottom of infographic

Panel is divided into two columns

Column 1

Image description in column one: a headshot of Ben Carson speaking and a headshot of Walid Phares speaking are superimposed above a text box

Text in column 1: Others working with the Trump Administration have cooperated with anti-Muslim groups, too. Ben Carson echoed CSP’s falsified claims about supposed “civilization jihad” on the Republican primary debate stage. Advisor Walid Phares has been named as part of the “Islamophobia network” for promoting conspiracy theories about Muslims.

Column 2

Image description for column 2: A headshot of Pamela Geller speaking is shown on the left side of a text box and a cartoon icon of an American flag is shown on the right side

Text in column 2: “American Patriot”? Though she leads anti-Muslim groups, Pamela Geller has been praised by Steve Bannon, who told her in 2015 that Donald Trump’s views increasingly mirrored hers.

Footer of Infographic

Text: For more on the Trump Administration and Islamophobia, check out our new report, “A New Era in American Politics: The Trump Administration and Mainstream Islamophobia.” You can find that and our related factsheets at