24 Aug 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Geert Wilders

A prominent politician in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders has decried what he calls the “Islamization” of the Netherlands and advocates a ban on the Qur’an. He believes Islam is a problem and promotes anti-Muslim tropes, namely that Islam is not a religion; it is a totalitarian and violent ideology. His alarmist, discriminatory, and racist rhetoric paints all Muslims as violent individuals who seek to dominate Europe. read the complete article

14 Aug 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Daniel Pipes

Daniel Pipes is an academic and founder of the right-wing think-tank, Middle East Forum. Pipes supports racial profiling and the surveillance of Muslim communities and believes Muslims in the United States seek to infiltrate and overthrow the country. He has spent decades promoting anti-Muslim tropes and has financed numerous activists and organizations that spread misinformation about Muslims and Islam. read the complete article

14 Aug 2018 | Organizations

Factsheet: Middle East Forum

The Middle East Forum is a right-wing anti-Islam think tank that spreads misinformation, creates “watchlists” targeting academics, and advocates hawkish foreign policy. MEF provides funding to numerous anti-Muslim organizations and has provided legal services to a number of anti-Muslim activists including Geert Wilders and Tommy Robinson. read the complete article

07 Aug 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins is a self-described “Christian conservative” English media personality and columnist for multiple media outlets.  She uses her online platforms to spread misinformation and has a history of making anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and anti-black comments.    read the complete article

23 Jul 2018 | Organizations

Factsheet: American Freedom Law Center

The American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) is an anti-Muslim law firm that engages in what it describes as “lawfare” against Muslim advocacy and civil rights organizations. AFLC regularly represents anti-Muslim clients, such as the American Freedom Defense Initiative and Stop the Islamisation of America, and AFLC’s co-founder serves as general counsel for the Center for Security Policy.   read the complete article

13 Jun 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Douglas Murray

Douglas Murray is a British author and serves as Associate Director of the neo-conservative think tank, The Henry Jackson Society. Murray is opposed to Muslim immigration in Europe and laments?  the changing demographics on the continent. He has made statements claiming that violence and terrorism are a direct result of Islam and has advocated a reduction in immigration as the first step to achieving “a bit less Islam.” read the complete article

13 Jun 2018 | Organizations

Factsheet: Henry Jackson Society

The Henry Jackson Society is a neo-conservative think-tank that has been described as having an “anti-Islam agenda.” The HJS claims British University campuses are breeding grounds for “Islamic extremism,” and labels any Muslim-led community, advocacy, and legal rights groups critical of its work as “extremist.” read the complete article

08 Jun 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Fred Fleitz

Fred Fleitz has been selected as executive security of the National Security Council and chief of staff for National Security Advisor, John Bolton. Fleitz previously served as an intelligence officer in the CIA and Department of State, and worked with the anti-Muslim think-tank, Center for Security Policy. Fleitz has been a strong opponent of a U.S. nuclear deal with Iran and has furthered anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and stereotypes. read the complete article

10 May 2018 | Organizations

Factsheet: Gatestone Institute

Gatestone has published a steady stream of content aimed at stoking fears of a Muslim takeover of Europe and America. The articles warn that increasing Muslim migration to Europe will lead to the “Islamization” of the continent. Gatestone’s pieces have been cited by far-right politicians to justify their anti-Muslim policies.   read the complete article