30 Apr 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Martin Sellner

IMPACT: Austrian Martin Sellner is a proponent of the far-right Great Replacement conspiracy theory and leader of the Austrian chapter of Generation Identity, a far-right white nationalist anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim movement originating in Europe. Martin... read the complete article

12 Apr 2019

Factsheet: Jewish Defense League of Canada

The JDL is a right-wing, anti-Palestinian organization with a history of lethal violence that describes itself as a militant defense for Jewish people. JDL Canada has worked with anti-Muslim individuals and organizations in the U.S. and Canada, its members have engaged in physical assault during protests, and it has opposed a parliamentary motion condemning Islamophobia. read the complete article

25 Mar 2019


The United Kingdom’s Prevent policy aims to prevent vulnerable individuals from becoming terrorists. The policy relies on the unfounded claim that ideology is the main driver of terrorism. Critics have noted that the policy effectively renders all Muslims potential criminals and a U.N. expert has called for the policy to be abandoned. read the complete article

25 Mar 2019

FACTSHEET: Raheem Kassam

Raheem Kassam is a British political activist who served as the director of Breitbart News London. Kassam has a history of spreading misinformation and making anti-Muslim comments. He maintains a close relationship with former UKIP leader Nigel Farage and former Breitbart head Steve Bannon. read the complete article

25 Mar 2019

FACTSHEET: Tarek Fatah

Tarek Fatah is a Canadian writer who has consistently denied the existence of Islamophobia in Canada, opposes the niqab and has called for a ban on the burqa, and is a prominent opponent of Motion 103, which called on the Canadian government to condemn Islamophobia. read the complete article

25 Mar 2019

FACTSHEET: Motion-103

Motion-103 is a non-binding motion introduced by the Liberal MP Iqra Khalid in December 2016. It calls on the Canadian government to condemn Islamophobia and recognize the need to "quell the public climate of fear and hate". The motion passed in March 2017. read the complete article

22 Mar 2019

FACTSHEET: Rise Canada

Rise Canada is a Canadian anti-Muslim group that works in coalition with other anti-Muslim  groups in Canada whose members have opposed religious accommodations for Muslim students in schools and a parliamentary motion condemning Islamophobia. Rise Canada’s social media accounts often post inflammatory and derogatory statements about Islam and Muslims. read the complete article