10 Oct 2019


IMPACT: Steve King is a Republican congressman from Iowa who has a history of making racist, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim remarks. He has made comments in support of white nationalism and is connected to far-right figures... read the complete article

10 Oct 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Ted Cruz

IMPACT: Ted Cruz is a Republican senator from Texas who is widely known for his controversial stance on immigration and his connections to purveyors of anti-Muslim rhetoric, most notably Frank Gaffney and ACT for America.  read the complete article

10 Oct 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Seyran Ateş

IMPACT: Seyran Ateş is a lawyer and author of five books on Islam, violence, and sexuality. Ateş uses her personal experiences to make generalized claims about Islam and “Muslim culture,” often reinforcing the “good Muslim/bad... read the complete article

06 Sep 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: James Mason

IMPACT: James Mason is a neo-Nazi who advocates violent revolution against the United States government. He believes that chaos caused by white supremacist violence will lead to the collapse of the government and the rise... read the complete article

22 Aug 2019 | Organizations

Factsheet: PI-News

IMPACT: The most influential anti-Muslim blog in Germany, Politically Incorrect (known as PI-News) criticizes what it perceives as the “Islamization of Europe” and “political correctness” towards Muslims in German politics and media. PI-News has connections... read the complete article

15 Aug 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Heinz-Christian Strache

Heinz-Christian Strache is the former Vice-Chancellor of Austria and leader of the right-wing Freedom Party of Austria (FPO). During his youth, he was affiliated with Neo-Nazis and under his leadership, the FPO has promoted Islamophobia. Strache is also widely connected to right-wing parties across Europe. read the complete article

30 Jul 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Tulsi Gabbard

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has repeatedly stated “Islamism” and “radical Islamic ideology” fuel terrorism -- claims that are made by anti-Muslim activists and organizations in support of criminalizing Muslim communities. Gabbard has met with foreign leaders who have been accused of war crimes and fomenting hatred against Muslims.  read the complete article

02 Jul 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: David Lane

David Lane was a white supremacist and separatist whose writings and slogans have had profound influence in white supremacist ideology. Lane’s “Fourteen Words” slogan has been adopted by many white supremacists, including the perpetrators of the Pittsburgh synagogue and Christchurch mosques attacks. read the complete article

02 Jul 2019 | Terms/Tropes

Factsheet: Fourteen Words

The “Fourteen Words” is a slogan that has served as a rallying cry for white supremacists and neo-Nazis around the world. Invoked in numerous mass shootings and targeted attacks on minority groups including African Americans, Sikhs, Jews, and Muslims, the “Fourteen Words” communicate the belief that the growth of minority communities poses an imminent threat to the existence of the white race.  read the complete article

03 Jun 2019 | Individuals

FACTSHEET: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is a central figure in the transatlantic network of anti-Muslim and anti-Islam organizations and activists. She has co-organized the pan-European ‘Counter Jihad Movement,’ aligned with anti-Muslim activists and organizations in the U.S., and has been prosecuted for anti-Muslim speech. read the complete article