17 Dec 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Walter Rosenkranz

Walter Rosenkranz ist ein langjähriger Politiker der rechtsextremen FPÖ. Er gilt als ein mildes Gesicht und wurde 2024 zum Ersten Nationalratspräsidenten gewählt, dem zweitmächtigsten Amt in der Republik Österreich. Rosenkranz weist eine lange Historie islamophober Aussagen und Politikforderungen auf und ist transnational mit islamophoben Akteuren verbunden. read the complete article

12 Dec 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Marco Rubio

IMPACT: Marco Rubio is a US Senator from the state of Florida. He previously ran for President in 2016. He has a documented history of minimizing the issue of Islamophobia, promoting anti-Muslim tropes, and supporting discriminatory policies targeting Muslims. In 2024, President-elect Donald Trump nominated him to serve as Secretary of State. read the complete article

12 Dec 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Sebastian Gorka

Sebastian Gorka is a contributor at Sinclair TV, who previously worked for FOX News and served as the Deputy Assistant to President Donald Trump. Gorka supports religious profiling, has targeted Muslim civil rights and advocacy groups, and has publicly worn a medal affiliated with a Nazi-linked Hungarian group. read the complete article

26 Nov 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Walter Rosenkranz

Walter Rosenkranz is a long-standing politician of the far-right FPÖ. In 2024, he was elected First President of the National Council, which is the second most powerful office in Austria. Rosenkranz has a long history of making Islamophobic statements and policy proposals, and has transnational links with anti-Muslim actors. read the complete article

25 Nov 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee is the former governor of Arkansas, a Baptist minister, political commentator, and ran to be the Republican presidential candidate in 2008 and 2016. He is a staunch supporter of Israel, has questioned Palestinian identity, supports settlements, and has a history of making anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic statements. In 2024, President-elect Donald Trump picked Huckabee to serve as the United States Ambassador to Israel. read the complete article

25 Nov 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Herbert Kickl

Herbert Kickl ist Parteivorsitzender der rechtsextremen Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs (FPÖ), die 2024 die Nationalratswahl gewonnen hat und von 2017 bis 2019 in der Regierung saß. Sie hat vor allem mit ihrer Islamophobie Wahlen geschlagen und Staatspolitik gemacht. Kickl hatte als langjähriger Redenschreiber großen Einfluss auf anti-muslimische Wahlkampagnen und gilt als Erfinder von Slogans wie “Daham statt Islam”. Kickl erhob gemeinsam mit Viktor Orbán die Gruppe Patrioten für Europa (PfE oder Patriots) als neue rechte und als die drittgrößte Gruppe im Europäischen Parlament aus der Taufe (2024-2029). read the complete article

15 Oct 2024 | Organizations

Factsheet: Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation

Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation (Ekal-USA) is a Houston, Texas-based non-profit organization with over 70 chapters across multiple U.S. cities. It serves as the sister organization of Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of India (Ekal-India), a Hindu nationalist group that operates single-teacher schools in India. Ekal-India has been accused of promoting hatred towards religious minorities. read the complete article

15 Oct 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Herbert Kickl

Herbert Kickl is the current leader of the far-right Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), one of Austria’s major political parties that has shared power in various coalitions over the past three decades. It regained power, especially after mobilizing against immigrants and Muslims and is one of the main factors in the institutionalization of Islamophobia in Austria with many links to far-right anti-Muslim actors around the globe. Kickl invented the most successful anti-Muslim political campaigns of his party with slogans such as “Home, not Islam” (Daham statt Islam). read the complete article

11 Oct 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson is a British anti-Muslim and anti-immigration activist. A co-founder of the racist English Defense League, Robinson believes Islam is a “disease” and Muslims are invading Europe. He has been connected to trans-national anti-Muslim activists and organizations, including PEGIDA. Robinson has had numerous criminal convictions and is currently serving time in jail. read the complete article

04 Sep 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Thomas Hoffmann

Thomas Hoffmann is a full professor at the University of Copenhagen. He states that he specializes in several fields including Qur'anic Studies, Biblical Studies, Religion and Literature, Ritual Theory, and History of Religion. He was named a professor by the dean of the theological faculty. Hoffmann publishes in the weekly right-wing Weekendavisen and is a frequent commentator on contemporary Islam and Muslims in Denmark. read the complete article