12 Sep 2017 | Terms/Tropes

Factsheet: Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar is an Arabic phrase used in various religious and social contexts to express devotion or as a general exclamation in emotional situations. It has been co-opted by both militants and anti-Muslim activists and is often mistakenly conflated with violence and terrorism. read the complete article

12 Sep 2017 | Terms/Tropes

Factsheet: Dawah

Dawah is an Arabic term largely understood to signify an invitation and dawah activities can include acts of charity and proselytization. Anti-Muslim activists and organizations have co-opted and attempted to redefine this term in an effort to legitimize a narrative about an impending “Islamic/Muslim threat” to the United States and the rest of the world. read the complete article

12 Sep 2017 | Terms/Tropes

Factsheet: Jihad

Jihad is an Arabic term meaning “to struggle” or “to strive.” Most Muslims agree that the concept is best understood and practiced as an inner spiritual struggle towards faith and good deeds, but anti-Muslim groups and militants have co-opted the word and equate it to violence, “holy war” and terrorism. read the complete article