19 Nov 2019 | Politics

Factsheet: Cronulla Riots

IMPACT: The Cronulla riots in December 2005 marked one of the most significant race riots in Australian history. Anglo-Australian youth targeted individuals of Middle Eastern background while displaying and voicing racist, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim rhetoric. ... read the complete article

19 Nov 2019 | Policy/Law

Factsheet: Anti-halal Campaigns

IMPACT: Anti-Halal campaigns in Australia have sought to remove or restrict Halal certification of food products in Australia, leading to public boycotting of Halal-certified brands and even a Senate Inquiry into third party food certification.... read the complete article

10 Nov 2019 | Organizations

Factsheet: Breitbart News

Breitbart News is a right-wing media outlet described by its former chairman, Steve Bannon, as a “platform for the alt-right.” The platform strongly supported Donald Trump during the United States’ 2016 presidential election. Breitbart publishes false claims about Muslims, gives voice to anti-Muslim conspiracy theories, and amplifies anti-Muslim writers and activists.  read the complete article

07 Nov 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Michelle Malkin

IMPACT: Michelle Malkin is an American political commentator who has used her multiple media platforms, including as a Fox News contributor and columnist, to propagate anti-Muslim and anti-immigration conspiracy theories. Malkin has advocated the racial... read the complete article

04 Nov 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Sean Hannity

Sean Hannity is a popular talk radio and cable news host in the United States. A self-described “advocacy journalist,” he is known for pushing right-wing conspiracy theories and for his close relationship with President Donald Trump. He frequently hosts prominent anti-Muslim figures on his show, including Sebastian Gorka, Pamala Geller, and Robert Spencer.   read the complete article

04 Nov 2019 | Organizations

Factsheet: Thomas More Law Center

The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) is a registered non-profit that represents the legal interests of Christian individuals contesting public school curriculum about Islam and Muslim-majority regions of the world, and has represented notable anti-Muslim figures in court. The law firm uses the threat of extended litigation to coerce school districts into modifying curriculum and propagates the conspiracy theory that Muslims seek to sabotage the U.S. through “civilizational jihad.” read the complete article