Today in Islamophobia

A daily list of headlines about Islamophobia
compiled by the Bridge Initiative

Each day, the Bridge Initiative aims to bring you the news you need to know about Islamophobia. This resource will be updated every weekday at approximately 11:00 AM EST.

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27 Jun 2019

Today in Islamophobia: International prosecutors signal a Rohingya investigation, while people in North Carolina call out a lack of Democratic debate time dedicated to ongoing torture in their state. China denies holding a Uyghur writer in a camp, as protests ensue in India after a Muslim man is lynched. Our recommended read for today is by Jason Wilson on allegations of an Austrian far-right leader forming a terrorist group with the Christchurch shooter. This, and more, below:


27 Jun 2019

Austrian far-right leader searched on suspicion of forming terrorist group with Christchurch shooter | Recommended Read

The investigation has also reportedly widened to include Sellner’s US-based fiancee, Brittany Pettibone, and her own alleged connections with Australian far-right figure Blair Cottrell. read the complete article

Our recommended read of the day
27 Jun 2019

Anti-Islamic extremist permanently excluded from entering UK

Martin Sellner, the Austrian leader of Generation Identity, was being excluded on security grounds and posed a serious threat to the UK’s interests of preventing social harm and countering extremism, according to a Home Office letter which has been posted online. read the complete article

United States

27 Jun 2019

For 3 Years, This Husband Has Fought For His Wife. Trump’s Muslim Ban Keeps Them Apart.

Alghazzouli and his wife, Asmaa Khadem Al Arbaiin, 27, are Syrians forced to live thousands of miles apart. Al Arbaiin, an English student who is stuck in Istanbul, Turkey, is banned from entering the U.S. due to the Muslim travel ban. Next month is their third anniversary, but the couple said it’s impossible to celebrate. read the complete article

27 Jun 2019

Opinion | To Be A Black Woman In Hijab Is How I Break Barriers Around The World

Having lived on four continents and traveled to countless other areas of the world, I am always in awe of people’s reaction to my actions as a woman in a visible hijab that dares to live out loud without restriction on the places I’d go. read the complete article

27 Jun 2019

'They Took My Heart With Them': Yemeni Parents Stranded By Trump's Travel Ban

While it became law a year ago, the ban actually went into effect in December of 2017, the time period that Mohamed Mohsin, a Yemeni American, was in the final stages of bringing his children and his wife from Yemen to the United States. read the complete article

27 Jun 2019

The people of North Carolina want to talk about their state being used for torture. Do the Democratic candidates?

Will any of the Democratic candidates use the debates tonight and tomorrow to announce plans for countering Islamophobia, white supremacy, and impunity for torture? We hope so — because in the US at the moment, accountability is sorely needed. read the complete article

United Kingdom

27 Jun 2019

An Islamophobic security agenda shouldn't mix with arts funding

The last few days have seen a furore over the Bradford literature festival’s decision to accept funding from the Home Office. Some 12 speakers have pulled out of the event so far, in protest at the source of the money, the government’s “Building a Stronger Britain Together” fund, a scheme that supports projects that supposedly counter extremism. read the complete article

27 Jun 2019

UK's Prevent strategy 'biggest threat to free speech on campus'

Corey Stoughton, director of advocacy at the human rights organisation, said the tactics of the strategy for monitoring campus activism had a “chilling effect” on black and Muslim students, provoking self censorship for fear of being labelled extremist. read the complete article


27 Jun 2019

International prosecutor signals Rohingya investigation

The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor says she wants to open an investigation into alleged crimes against Rohingya Muslims as they fled Myanmar and into Bangladesh. read the complete article


27 Jun 2019

China denies holding Uyghur writer in a camp, said he was under surveillance for ‘illegal religious activities’

The Chinese government has denied details of a Globe and Mail story about the death of the Uyghur writer Nurmuhemmet Tohti while acknowledging that his movements were restricted and that he was placed under surveillance. read the complete article


27 Jun 2019

Protests in Indian cities after Muslim man is lynched, Modi says he is 'pained'

Protests were held in several Indian cities on Wednesday following the lynching of a Muslim man last week by a Hindu mob that suspected he was a thief. read the complete article

27 Jun 2019

The ‘Jai Shri Ram’ attacks against Muslims in India drew direct influence from politicians – so why isn’t Modi speaking up?

In today’s India, after the return to power of Narendra Modi and his BJP with their huge mandate, violence has been let loose, with “Jai Shri Ram” – a slogan that roughly translates to “Hail Lord Ram”, a Hindu god – being used as a death threat instead of a salutation. read the complete article


27 Jun 2019

Nordic liberals take harder line on migrants to win votes

In Scandinavia, there’s a new type of socially conscious liberal - that wants tighter restrictions on immigration. Left-wing parties in Denmark and Sweden that historically defended humanitarian values and generous welfare systems have shifted positions since Europe saw an influx of migrants that peaked in 2015. read the complete article

Today in Islamophobia, 27 Jun 2019 Edition


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