Today in Islamophobia

A daily list of headlines about Islamophobia
compiled by the Bridge Initiative

Each day, the Bridge Initiative aims to bring you the news you need to know about Islamophobia. This resource will be updated every weekday at approximately 11:00 AM EST.

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26 Jun 2019

Today in Islamophobia: A husband and wife are separated over three years by the Muslim Ban, demonstrating the consequences of a Supreme Court that trusts Trump. Muslim women in Quebec gather to brainstorm next steps after Bill 21, as Ottawa reveals an anti-racism strategy. Our recommended read for today is by Robert Mackey on a fringe Muslim cleric advocating far-right causes:


26 Jun 2019

How a Fringe Muslim Cleric From Australia Became a Hero to America’s Far Right | Recommended Read

A Shia Muslim cleric, raised in Australia and educated in Iran, Tawhidi presents himself as an Islamic reformer who embraces and amplifies far-right warnings that immigration by his fellow Muslims poses an existential threat to Western civilization. read the complete article

Our recommended read of the day
26 Jun 2019

As the wildfire of hate speech spreads, fighting it must be a job for everybody

A menacing wave of intolerance and hate-based violence is targeting worshippers of many faiths across the globe. Sadly – and disturbingly – such vicious incidents are becoming all too familiar. read the complete article

United States

26 Jun 2019

The Muslim Bans

Despite Trump’s long history of animus against Islam and Muslims, on June 26, 2018 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the Muslim Ban did not violate the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, nor did it exceed the president’s "plenary power doctrine" under the Immigration and Nationality Act. One year out from the June 2018 Supreme Court decision, how has this waiver process functioned? read the complete article

26 Jun 2019

For 3 Years, This Husband Has Fought For His Wife. Trump’s Muslim Ban Keeps Them Apart.

There are days when the loneliness is too difficult to bear for Ramez Alghazzouli. On those days, the 30-year-old business analyst is forced to call in sick from work. “It is hard to breathe when I feel like I failed to make my spouse happy,” Alghazzouli told HuffPost. read the complete article

26 Jun 2019

Comic Ramy Youssef On Being An 'Allah Carte' Muslim: 'You Sit In Contradictions'

Ramy Youssef says he can relate to his character's "picking and choosing" approach to his faith. "Sometimes we would call it 'Allah carte,' " he says. "There's the people who are like, 'OK, I'm going to have sex, but I'm not going to drink,' then there's the people who are like, 'No way am I having sex, but let's do acid on Saturday.' read the complete article

26 Jun 2019

The Travel Ban Shows What Happens When the Supreme Court Trusts Trump

A year ago, the Supreme Court upheld, by a 5-4 vote, President Trump’s imposition of a ban on travel from several predominantly Muslim countries. The court’s decision was gravely disappointing the day it was handed down. A year later, it looks even worse — particularly because it rested on three premises pushed by Trump Administration lawyers that have proven thoroughly unfounded. read the complete article


26 Jun 2019

Forced to Chant Hindu Slogans, Muslim Man Is Beaten to Death in India

After apprehending a Muslim man suspected of stealing a motorcycle, the Hindu mob tied him to a lamppost and reportedly beat him for 12 hours while forcing him to chant praises to Hindu gods. Videos began circulating widely showing the attack last week in eastern India, which went on for so long that some of the footage was in daylight and other parts in darkness. read the complete article

26 Jun 2019

Hindu Extremists Push a Muslim off a Train, Attack Another for Not Chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’

On Monday, June 22, a 26-year-old madrasa teacher in West Bengal named Hafeez Mohd Sahrukh Haldar, said he was beaten up and pushed off a moving train last Thursday when a group demanded he chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ and he refused. While he managed to escape with minor injuries, this is the third such incident to be reported this week itself. read the complete article


26 Jun 2019

After Quebec's secularism law, Muslim women gather to figure out, 'What can we do now?'

"What is this law? What can we do now?" one woman lets out, shaking her head. "It's ridiculous. I want us to end this law. It's unjust." The women begin pitching ideas. Can they go around the law? Are there different ways they can hide their hair, perhaps? read the complete article

26 Jun 2019

Ottawa unveils anti-racism strategy, which includes definition of Islamophobia

The federal government has released a new anti-racism strategy that promises $45 million to fight systemic discrimination through community programs, public education campaigns and combating online hate. read the complete article

United Kingdom

26 Jun 2019

Man sentenced over racist emails to Labour MSP Anas Sarwar

Alexander Agnew, 53, sent eight emails which included videos from the right-wing terrorist group Nation Action. One told Mr Sarwar he was no longer welcome or needed "in a white nation". Another said: "Scotland shall never accept a brown skinned heretic as anything but a rapist culture and a sin against god." read the complete article

Today in Islamophobia, 26 Jun 2019 Edition


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