Today in Islamophobia

A daily list of headlines about Islamophobia
compiled by the Bridge Initiative

Each day, the Bridge Initiative aims to bring you the news you need to know about Islamophobia. This resource will be updated every weekday at approximately 11:00 AM EST.

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30 Aug 2019

Today in Islamophobia: U.S Congresswoman Ilhan Omar gets an anonymous death threat, as an op-ed asks why so many Democratic Presidential candidates are ignoring Muslims. A new UHRP report documents China’s cross border efforts to terrorize Uyghur Americans. Our recommended read of the day is by Victor Ordonez, Karson Yiu, Jinsol Jung and Knez Walker, who were given exclusive access to Xinjiang’s ‘vocational’ institutes. This, and more, below:


30 Aug 2019

'Nightline' granted rare tour of Chinese 'vocational' centers where Muslim citizens are allegedly held as prisoners | Recommended Read

ABC News Senior Investigative Producer Gerry Wagschal was granted rare on-camera tours of two centers in Xinjiang: One in Shule County outside the ancient Silk Road city of Kashgar, which the center's director said houses about 1,000 Muslim detainees, and another outside the city of Artux. The Chinese officials on the tour called the detainees "students," and said they were enrolled because they had been influenced by extremist ideologies. During its tour of the centers, ABC News witnessed the so-called "students" attend classes where they learned China's laws, regulations and the Mandarin language. Many of these "students" told ABC News that they were grateful to be in the camps. "If not for the [Chinese] government, I would someday become a terrorist," said one detainee while wiping tears from his eyes. read the complete article

Our recommended read of the day
30 Aug 2019

China’s Cross-Border Campaign to Terrorize Uyghur Americans

“I wear a hat, get glasses, I cover my face. I’m in a free country but when I go to my people’s office, I cover my face. I didn’t even cover my face in China, but I cover my face here.” These are the words of a Uyghur, resident in the United States, earlier this year. The man, a carpenter back in his hometown, told Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) researchers he was scared he would be noticed by the Chinese authorities when visiting our office in Washington, DC. A new UHRP report, “Repression Across Borders,” documents how the Chinese government routinely carries out surveillance, threats and coercion on American soil to control the speech and actions of the estimated 1,500 to 5,000 Uyghur people living in the United States. read the complete article

United States

30 Aug 2019

Omar shares anonymous death threat, speaks out against 'hate' and need for security

"I hate that we live in a world where you have to be protected from fellow humans. I hated it as a child living through war and I hate it now," Omar tweeted on Wednesday in response to a post that showed a bodyguard standing behind her as she spoke at an event in Minnesota. "But until deranged people like this stop threatening my life and the lives of others, I have to accept the reality of having security." read the complete article

30 Aug 2019

Opinion | Why Are So Many 2020 Dems Ignoring Muslims?

This Labor Day weekend, the largest gathering of Muslim Americans in the country will take place in Houston, Texas, at the annual Islamic Center of North America (ISNA) convention. Past conventions have attracted several thousand to north of 10,000 attendees. But this year’s may be the biggest turnout yet—with well-known special guests like Daily Show host Trevor Noah (no, he isn’t Muslim—at least not yet!). There’s even a Trump administration official scheduled to appear on a panel celebrating interfaith initiatives—Sam Brownback, the former GOP governor of Kansas who now serves as the U.S ambassador for international religious freedom. But frustratingly missing will be all but two of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. read the complete article

30 Aug 2019

LA Sheriff’s Department denied Muslim inmates’ religious needs

The lawsuit, filed Monday (Aug. 26) by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, argues the Sheriff’s Department “imposed policies and procedures that either completely deny Muslim inmates access to most, if not all, religious accommodations, services, programming and materials that are available to inmates of other faith, restrict their access, or require them to jump through hoops to obtain them.” The three men said Men’s Central Jail staff failed to schedule Friday prayer or Islamic study classes but incorporated religious gatherings for inmates of other faiths, according to the lawsuit. Bible study classes, for example, were offered once a week for Christian inmates. Staff also restricted access to copies of the Quran and prayer rugs and required the inmates to submit to “intrusive and unlawful inquiry” to prove their knowledge of Islam in order to be added to a halal diet, according to the lawsuit. read the complete article

United Kingdom

30 Aug 2019

Cardiff man found guilty of posting anti-Muslim messages

A man who shared photos of himself with a gun alongside anti-Muslim messages has been found guilty of stirring up religious and racial hatred. Jay Davison, 38, of Craig Yr Allt in the Rhiwbina area of Cardiff, posted the violent messages in August 2018. He urged people to "stand up" in the posts on Instagram and Whatsapp. He posted the two topless photos of himself holding a gun alongside phrases associated with Nazism and white supremacy, with reference to his hatred of Islam, to his 394 Instagram followers. He later shared screenshots of the posts in a Whatsapp group. read the complete article

30 Aug 2019

Police response to 'Islamophobic' school assault 'not suitable'

Idris Aslam's family said he was kicked, punched and called "a terrorist" at Oakwood Academy in Warren Hill, Nottinghamshire, in January. They claim Nottinghamshire Police did not take the case seriously and have treated them "with contempt". In response, the force said it had "taken [the incident] seriously" and it was "appropriately investigated". However, police watchdog the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said the way the case was handled was not suitable. read the complete article

Today in Islamophobia, 30 Aug 2019 Edition


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