13 Jul 2021 | Law Enforcement

Factsheet: Islam, Immigration, and the American Courts

The Naturalization Era (1790–1952) was a defining period for immigration and conceptualizations of citizenship in the United States. During this era, Muslim immigration and naturalization were limited by laws that barred or severely restricted immigration from Muslim-majority areas of the world and court rulings that reserved naturalization rights for white individuals. read the complete article

19 May 2021 | Organizations

Factsheet: Quilliam

The Quilliam Foundation is a “counter-extremism” think-tank that has worked with a number of individuals and organizations that promote anti-Muslim views. The organization has called for tougher action on “non-violent extremism” and supports CVE policies, which many civil rights organizations state are based on faulty science and only seek to criminalize and securitize Muslims. read the complete article

01 Jan 2021 | Organizations

Factsheet: El Partido Vox

IMPACT: El partido político VOX es un partido nacionalista de extrema derecha que promueve políticas discriminatorias contra los musulmanes, tanto españoles como inmigrantes. VOX ha logrado un éxito político significativo en distintas elecciones regionales y... read the complete article