10 May 2018 | Organizations

Factsheet: Gatestone Institute

Gatestone has published a steady stream of content aimed at stoking fears of a Muslim takeover of Europe and America. The articles warn that increasing Muslim migration to Europe will lead to the “Islamization” of the continent. Gatestone’s pieces have been cited by far-right politicians to justify their anti-Muslim policies.   read the complete article

02 May 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Sam Brownback

The current U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback is the former Governor of Kansas who signed anti-sharia legislation into state law and withdrew Kansas from the federal refugee resettlement program for purported reasons of national security. As a Governor, Brownback also advocated religious freedom at the expense of anti-discrimination laws that protected LGBT Kansans. read the complete article

19 Apr 2018 | Individuals

Factsheet: Ken Isaacs

Ken Isaacs is the current U.S. nominee for director-general of the International Organization for Migration at the United Nations. Prior to his nomination, Isaacs was a Vice President at Samaritan’s Purse, an Evangelical Christian charity organization with a history of proselytizing while distributing government-funded humanitarian relief. Isaacs has tweeted inflammatory, anti-Muslim content, and has retweeted anti-Muslim content by Robert Spencer and Frank Gaffney. read the complete article