30 Jul 2019

Religious freedom for whom? Islamophobia at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom

Earlier this month, the State Department hosted its second Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. Under the leadership of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, the Ministerial made sweeping calls for the protection of religious freedoms worldwide. Behind these lofty ideals, however, lurked a troubling reality: the conveners of the Ministerial have a long history of denigrating Islam and infringing on the civil rights of Muslims.  read the complete article

30 Jul 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: Tulsi Gabbard

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has repeatedly stated “Islamism” and “radical Islamic ideology” fuel terrorism -- claims that are made by anti-Muslim activists and organizations in support of criminalizing Muslim communities. Gabbard has met with foreign leaders who have been accused of war crimes and fomenting hatred against Muslims.  read the complete article

22 Jul 2019 | Educational

RSIS Distinguished Public Lecture by Dr John L. Esposito

The resurgence of religion, in particular that form of religious revivalism popularly referred to as “religious fundamentalism,” has had deep roots and a profound impact on global politics and society since the late twentieth century. The resurgence has occurred in all the world’s major religions and across the world, from Africa, North America and Latin America to the Middle East and Asia. The conventional wisdom in modernisation and development studies had been that modernisation required the secularisation of politics and society. As one prominent expert put it, the choice in the Muslim world was between Mecca or mechanisation! The reassertion of religion in politics and society signaled a process of de-secularisation which has seen religion as a major factor and challenge in domestic and international politics and society in many parts of the world. This lecture will look at the role and future of religion in global politics and in combating violent extremism and terrorism in the 21st century. Distinguished Public Lecture by Bridge Founder and Director Dr. John L. Esposito. Courtesy: RSIS read the complete article

22 Jul 2019 | Educational

Who is Kevin Johnston?

As polls indicate rising anti- Muslim animus in Canada, we take a look at the actors who are furthering Islamophobia in the country. Kevin Johnston is an anti-Muslim blogger and activist in Canada who ran for mayor of Mississauga with a pending hate crime charge against a Muslim community in Ontario, Canada. Johnston has owned, operated, and maintained websites, online media publications, and multiple social media accounts, which he has utilized to promote and reinforce his anti-Muslim activities and networks. read the complete article

02 Jul 2019 | Individuals

Factsheet: David Lane

David Lane was a white supremacist and separatist whose writings and slogans have had profound influence in white supremacist ideology. Lane’s “Fourteen Words” slogan has been adopted by many white supremacists, including the perpetrators of the Pittsburgh synagogue and Christchurch mosques attacks. read the complete article

02 Jul 2019 | Terms/Tropes

Factsheet: Fourteen Words

The “Fourteen Words” is a slogan that has served as a rallying cry for white supremacists and neo-Nazis around the world. Invoked in numerous mass shootings and targeted attacks on minority groups including African Americans, Sikhs, Jews, and Muslims, the “Fourteen Words” communicate the belief that the growth of minority communities poses an imminent threat to the existence of the white race.  read the complete article

02 Jul 2019 | Policy/Law

The Muslim Bans

On January 27, 2017, one week after his inauguration as President of the United States, President Trump issued Executive Order 13796, titled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.” The executive order banned nationals from seven Muslim majority countries from immigrating or traveling to the United States, citing national security as a primary justification. read the complete article

03 Jun 2019 | Individuals

FACTSHEET: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is a central figure in the transatlantic network of anti-Muslim and anti-Islam organizations and activists. She has co-organized the pan-European ‘Counter Jihad Movement,’ aligned with anti-Muslim activists and organizations in the U.S., and has been prosecuted for anti-Muslim speech. read the complete article