15 Oct 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Herbert Kickl

Herbert Kickl is the current leader of the far-right Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), one of Austria’s major political parties that has shared power in various coalitions over the past three decades. It regained power, especially after mobilizing against immigrants and Muslims and is one of the main factors in the institutionalization of Islamophobia in Austria with many links to far-right anti-Muslim actors around the globe. Kickl invented the most successful anti-Muslim political campaigns of his party with slogans such as “Home, not Islam” (Daham statt Islam). read the complete article

11 Oct 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson is a British anti-Muslim and anti-immigration activist. A co-founder of the racist English Defense League, Robinson believes Islam is a “disease” and Muslims are invading Europe. He has been connected to trans-national anti-Muslim activists and organizations, including PEGIDA. Robinson has had numerous criminal convictions and is currently serving time in jail. read the complete article

08 Oct 2024 | Educational

Islamophobia and ‘Muslim Boyhood’

In Episode 16 of “Unpacking Islamophobia,” our guest is Professor Shenila Khoja-Moolji. She is the Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani Chair of Muslim Societies and an Associate Professor at Georgetown University. She is an award-winning author and researches about the interplay of gender, race, religion, and power in transnational contexts. She explores this theme particularly in relation to Muslim populations in South Asia and in the North American diaspora. read the complete article

04 Sep 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Thomas Hoffmann

Thomas Hoffmann is a full professor at the University of Copenhagen. He states that he specializes in several fields including Qur'anic Studies, Biblical Studies, Religion and Literature, Ritual Theory, and History of Religion. He was named a professor by the dean of the theological faculty. Hoffmann publishes in the weekly right-wing Weekendavisen and is a frequent commentator on contemporary Islam and Muslims in Denmark. read the complete article

29 Aug 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak was the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party, the first British-Indian to be prime minister and when elected, the youngest holder of the office in modern times. As leader of the party and the head of state, Sunak failed to tackle Islamophobia both within the party and amongst wider British society. read the complete article

29 Aug 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Heiko Heinisch

Heiko Heinisch ist ein deutscher politischer Kommentator und Autor zum Thema Islamismus. Heinisch gilt in Kreisen der rechtspopulistischen österreichischen Volkspartei und österreichischen Medien oft als Experte für Islam und Islamismus. Er ist Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats der österreichischen Dokumentationsstelle Politischer Islam, einer staatlich finanzierten Stelle zur Überwachung, Beobachtung und Kartierung von Muslimen in Österreich. read the complete article

06 Aug 2024 | Law Enforcement

Factsheet: Operation Luxor

Bei der Operation Luxor handelte es sich um eine groß angelegte Polizeiaktion, an der 940 Beamte beteiligt waren und die am 9. November 2020 in Österreich gegen mehr als 70 Personen und Einrichtungen durchgeführt wurde. Die Regierung behauptete, die Aktion ziele darauf ab, „die Wurzeln des politischen Islams zu kürzen“. Im Jahr 2021 entschied ein österreichisches Höchstgericht, dass die Razzien rechtswidrig waren. In den drei Jahren seit den Razzien wurde nicht eine einzige Person verhaftet oder verurteilt. Dieses „ Lehrbuchbeispiel von Regieren mit Kriminalität und Furcht “ wurde unter Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz durchgeführt, der für seine antimuslimische Politik bekannt war. read the complete article

09 Jul 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Amit Shah

Amit Anil Chandra Shah is the current Home Minister of India. He was formerly the Minister of State for Home Affairs in Gujarat, a period during which the state police faced accusations of extra-judicial killings. Shah is a close friend, confidant and is often referred to as the right-hand man of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Shah has used his political position to promote Hindu nationalist ideology. During his tenure as India’s Home Minister, he has introduced laws and undertaken measures that target Muslims, Christians, political opposition, civil society, journalists, and critics. read the complete article

27 Jun 2024

Five Questions On The Media’s Coverage Of Israel’s War In Gaza

In Episode 15 of “Unpacking Islamophobia,” our guest is Emmy Award-winning journalist Laila Al-Arian who is the executive producer of Fault Lines, an award-winning current affairs program on Al Jazeera English. She has been honored with two News and Documentary Emmys, a Peabody Award, a Robert F. Kennedy Award in journalism, Overseas Press Club award, National Headliner Award, and has been nominated for 19 News and Documentary Emmys for her work in journalism. read the complete article