30 Apr 2024

Five Questions on Islamophobia in the UK with Peter Oborne

Episode 13 of “Unpacking Islamophobia,” our guest is British journalist and broadcaster Peter Oborne who once served as the former chief political commentator for The Daily Telegraph newspaper. He is author of The Rise of Political Lying, The Triumph of the Political Class, and The Assault on Truth: Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and the Emergence of a New Moral Barbarism. His latest book, The Fate of Abraham: Why the West is Wrong about Islam examines the interactions between the West and Islam.   read the complete article

25 Apr 2024 | Educational

The Legacy of John Esposito

The Alwaleed Center for Muslim–Christian Understanding (ACMCU) Honors the Life, Career, and Legacy of ACMCU Founding Director and Distinguished University Professor John L. Esposito. Dr. Esposito is also the Director of The Bridge Initiative. This video was co-produced and narrated by John's wife Jean Esposito and features archival images and footage from several sources familiar with the Professor's life and work. read the complete article

09 Apr 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

RELEVANZ: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff ist eine zentrale Figur im transatlantischen Netzwerk von anti-muslimischen Organisationen und Aktivisten. Sie ist Mitorganisatorin der paneuropäischen ‘Counter Jihad-Bewegung’, hat sich mit antimuslimischen Aktivisten und Organisationen in den USA verbündet und ist... read the complete article

01 Apr 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Heinz-Christian Strache

Heinz-Christian Strache ist der ehemalige Vizekanzler von Österreich und Vorsitzender der rechten Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs (FPÖ). In seiner Jugend hatte er ein Naheverhältnis zu Neonazis. Unter seiner Führung hat die FPÖ auf Islamophobie gesetzt. Strache war auch weitläufig mit rechtsgerichteten Parteien in ganz Europa verbunden und leitet heute die Kleinstpartei ‚Team HC Strache – Allianz für Österreich‘. read the complete article

13 Mar 2024

Five Questions on Islamophobia in Gaza Report

In Episode 12 of “Unpacking Islamophobia,” our guests for the March 2024 episode are Professor Sahar Aziz and Mitchell Plitnick who are co-authors of a November 2023 Rutgers University report from the Center for Security, Race and Rights called “Presumptively Antisemitic: Islamophobic Tropes in the Palestine-Israel Discourse,” which examines how anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia have been used to silence criticism of the Israeli government. read the complete article

07 Feb 2024

Five Questions on Hijab Bans in Global Sports

In Episode 11 of “Unpacking Islamophobia,” our guest is Shireen Ahmed who is an award-winning sports activist, multi-platform sports journalist, and public speaker. Her work focuses on Muslim women, and the intersections of racism and misogyny in sports. Shireen is a co-host for the Burn It All Down Podcast and she is also a senior contributor for CBC Sports in Canada, as well as an instructor at Toronto Metropolitan University. read the complete article

01 Feb 2024 | Organizations

Factsheet: Österreichischer Integrationsfonds (ÖIF)

RELEVANZ: Der Österreichische Integrationsfonds (ÖIF) ist ein Fonds der Republik Österreich, der sowohl auf Bundes- als auch auf Landesebene für Integrationsangelegenheiten (gesellschaftliche Integration von Minderheiten) zuständig ist. In der Ära von Sebastian Kurz wurde der ÖIF als eine Plattform genutzt, um antimuslimische Ansichten durch Referenten und Berichte zu fördern und damit die antimuslimische Politik der Österreichischen Volkspartei (ÖVP) zu untermauern. read the complete article

17 Jan 2024 | Organizations

Factsheet: Der Wiener Akademikerbund

Der Wiener Akademikerbund wurde 1957 gehörte zur Österreichischen Volkspartei (ÖVP). Im Jahr 2011 wurde er formell aus der ÖVP ausgeschlossen, weil er das Verbotsgesetz von 1947 in Frage stellte, welches die Leugnung des Holocaust und die Verharmlosung der Nazi-Gräueltaten unter Strafe stellt. Der Wiener Akademikerbund ist eine rechtskonservative Denkfabrik (Think Tank), die für Neoliberalismus und christliche Werte einsteht. read the complete article

12 Jan 2024 | Individuals

Factsheet: Narendra Modi

Narendra Damodardas Modi is the current Prime Minister of India. He was the Chief Minister of Gujarat during the deadly 2002 anti-Muslim pogroms in the state, and throughout his political career, he has promoted Hindu nationalist views. Under his leadership, India has experienced a rise in anti-Muslim hate crimes and hate speech, increasing polarization and violence in society, growing restrictions on the media, and the growth of Hindu nationalist groups. Critics and human rights experts have warned that under Modi’s leadership, democracy in India is under threat. read the complete article

08 Jan 2024 | Law Enforcement

Factsheet: Operation Luxor

Operation Luxor was a large-scale police operation involving 940 officers targeting dozens of individuals and businesses that took place on November 9, 2020, in Austria. The government claimed the action aimed to “cut off the roots of political Islam.” In 2021, an Austrian court ruled that the raids were unlawful. In the three years since the raids, not a single person has been arrested or convicted. This “textbook example of governing with crime and fear” was conducted under Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who was known for his anti-Muslim policies. read the complete article