Today in Islamophobia

A daily list of headlines about Islamophobia
compiled by the Bridge Initiative

Each day, the Bridge Initiative aims to bring you the news you need to know about Islamophobia. This resource will be updated every weekday at approximately 11:00 AM EST.

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13 Oct 2020

Today in Islamophobia: Guantánamo Bay Navy Base raises health alert and closes facilities. In the U.K, Former London borough mayor quits Labour over Islamophobia and racism. Our recommended read today is by Wajahat Ali on Amy Courtney Barrett titled “If Amy Coney Barrett Were Muslim.” This, and more, below:

United States

13 Oct 2020

Opinion | If Amy Coney Barrett Were Muslim

I marvel at the hypocrisy of Republicans who are expressing shock and outrage over this, after the way the right has treated Muslims. President Trump responded to the alarm over Judge Barrett’s nomination by accusing Democrats of bias against Catholics and “basically fighting a major religion in our country.” This is rich from the man who is running against Joe Biden, a Catholic; who promoted a Muslim ban; and who told America, “I think Islam hates us.” I can’t help wondering: How would Republicans behave if Judge Barrett were a Democrat whose strongly held religious beliefs came from Islam instead of Catholicism? We all know how it would go. Republicans would demand she prove that she was not “working with our enemies.” That’s what Glenn Beck, the conservative radio host and conspiracy theorist, called for when Keith Ellison was elected as the first Muslim to Congress. read the complete article

Our recommended read of the day
13 Oct 2020

The President and Immigration Law Series: Executive Power Beyond Enforcement

In their new book, The President and Immigration Law, Adam Cox and Cristina Rodríguez contextualize a range of legal developments, from the litigation challenging Arizona’s SB1070; to the use of broad prosecutorial discretion in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program; to President Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban. Cox and Rodríguez make a convincing argument that these actions and policies can all be seen as part of the process by which the executive has solidified a “principal” role, along with Congress, in shaping immigration policy. This reframing of how we should analyze, critique, and reform the current division of power between the executive and legislative branches alone makes the book worthy of inclusion in the immigration law (and separation of powers) canon. read the complete article

13 Oct 2020

Opinion | If Trump is so tough on terrorism, why did the Taliban just endorse him?

That the Taliban is endorsing Trump shows the falsity of his boasts to be a tough-on-terrorism president. So, too, does Trump’s failure to do more to combat white supremacist violence at home. Indeed, his violent rhetoric has encouraged violence by far-right extremists. As a veteran of the Clinton White House noted, Trump called the media “the enemy of the people,” and Cesar Sayoc sent pipe bombs to CNN and other targets of Trump’s ire. Trump called Black Lives Matter protesters “Anarchists & Agitators,” and Kyle Rittenhouse allegedly killed two during a protest in Kenosha, Wis. Trump tweeted “LIBERATE MICHIGAN,” and six men were arrested last week for allegedly planning to kidnap the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer (D). The Post notes that the Twitter account apparently belonging to one of the Michigan plot suspects is full of anti-immigration rants, praise for Trump and calls to prosecute Hillary Clinton. read the complete article

13 Oct 2020

Guantánamo Bay Navy Base Raises Health Alert and Closes Facilities

The Navy on Friday night abruptly shut down the church, schools, gym and most places where people congregate at its base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, returning to the strict restrictions it had imposed earlier in the coronavirus pandemic. The base was “awaiting results from tests sent off site,” a spokeswoman, Nikki L. Maxwell, said Saturday night. She declined to say how many residents were suspected of being infected by the coronavirus at the base of 6,000 residents. The military generally declines to disclose infection figures at specific sites but has made exceptions in the Pacific. read the complete article

United Kingdom

13 Oct 2020

Former London borough mayor quits Labour over Islamophobia, racism

The resignation of the UK’s first hijab-wearing mayor, and her leaving the main opposition Labour Party on grounds of racism and Islamophobia, highlight the prevalence of anti-Muslim sentiment across all British political parties, an interfaith expert told Arab News on Monday. Rakhia Ismail, who was born in Somalia, left her post as mayor of the London Borough of Islington late last month, and on Sunday announced that she would resign from her position as a Labour Party councillor after eight years in service. She said she stepped down because she felt she was marginalized as a woman of color and was not taken seriously by some male colleagues. She also cited incidents of Islamophobia from some Labour Party colleagues. read the complete article


13 Oct 2020

Mulan: Disney Responds to Xinjiang Criticisms From British Politicians

In recent months, parliamentarians in the United Kingdom sent inquiries to Disney representatives, asking for clarification of the company's involvement with Chinese authorities as well as Disney's response to the situation in Xinjiang. Disney president of film production Sean Bailey recently responded in a letter addressed to Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP and Baroness Helena Kennedy. read the complete article

13 Oct 2020

Historian Publishes New Book on Chinese Muslims and Japan's Empire in World War II

A new book by history professor Kelly Hammond explores the relationship between Japanese imperialism and their efforts at attracting Chinese Muslims to their cause during World War II. Published by the University of North Carolina Press, China's Muslims and Japan's Empire: Centering Islam in World War II is a transnational history of Japan's efforts to secure their hold on China, subvert the global capitalist world order, and destabilize the Soviet Union. read the complete article

13 Oct 2020

China, Russia, Saudi Arabia set to join UN Human Rights Council

China, Saudi Arabia and Russia are poised to join the United Nations Human Rights Council, raising alarm among rights groups who say the countries are among the world’s “worst rights violators”. “Serial rights abusers should not be rewarded with seats on the Human Rights Council,” said Louis Charbonneau, UN director at Human Rights Watch (HRW) read the complete article

Today in Islamophobia, 13 Oct 2020 Edition


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